
# Topic Date Skillset Cheat Sheet Sample 1 Exam & Solutions
1 PyTorch, linear-algebra, regression basics Mar 11
2 Deep nets and advanced ML models May 01
3 Conflict exam(s) (during final period) TBD


Couple things to note about exams:

Exam Policies

Besides the obvious “don’t cheat” exam policies outlined in the policies page you should know about the following exam procedures:

Conflict exam

So I recognize that exceptional instances happen that prevent someone from taking an exam. If at any point in the semester, something happens where you need to miss an exam, a conflict exam will be offered at the end of the semester doing the final exam period. You don’t need prior approval or a “good” excuse. I have no interest being an arbiter of what is and isn’t a valid excuse. You miss an exam, you can take it in the final exam period. You miss two exams, you take them both during the final exam period. Some clarifying issues:


I’ve wrestled with the concept of cheatsheets a lot in past semesters. Ideally, what a cheatsheet is for is to help you memorize tedious equations or details that are easy to forget. However, I like to give exam questions that are very similar to the HWs/labs. In prior semesters, I noticed that cheat sheets didn’t contain definitions/algorithms. Instead, they contained copied questions and solutions of HW/lab problems. Basically cheat sheets had become a “guess what Kani might put on the exam”-sheet. Worse, many, many people simply copied the cheatsheet solutions and were frustrated when they learned that those solutions didn’t apply to the exam problems. This leaves me with two options: 

I think I’ve come up with a solution that’d help everyone. We will construct a communal cheat sheet for each of the exams. These cheat sheets will be posted on the website well in advance of the exam and will be attached to the back of the exam. 

This lets me use problems that many of you have seen before but know that the people answering those problems are doing so because they actually mastered the material. 

Use pen

The exams will be scanned and uploaded to Gradescope where they will be graded by the TAs. Unfortunately, in the past we have had a problem with a number of individuals that used a pencil with a light touch causing the exam to be illegible. Therefore, we’re banning pencils. I’m not going to go around confiscating pencils like some weird pen nazi, but if we see an exam that is difficult to read, we will take off points. Just use pen, if you need to change something you can always cross out the previous answer and make a note for the grader to look at the scratch page.


Regrade requests will be open for a week once grades are released. Regrade requests are not intended for arguing about point allocation, or whether the grading scale is fair.

Unfortunately, certain students think that they can tire us into giving them point that they did not earn, by keep asking for unjustified regrade requests. As such, superfluous, argumentative and repetitive regrade requests, after an appropriate warning, would results in a zero on the relevant questions - please do not waste our time.